Related Sites

Related Sites




Minaret Users' Web Sites
A number of Minaret users have uploaded records from their Minaret databases to their Internet web sites.  It's easy to set up a custom Minaret report that includes all of the HTML tags needed to make your data look good on the web. Perhaps these sites will inspire you to make your holdings available on the Internet.

Bowdoin College Archives
Senator George J. Mitchell Papers
Library of Congress
American Memory Project
North Carolina Statue University Libraries
Archives and Manuscript Collections
North Dakota State University: Institute for Regional Studies
"We used Minaret in developing the bibliographical records for the images from our collection placed onto the Library of Congress' American Memory web site. The Institute for Regional Studies at NDSU received one of ten competitive awards given in the first round of the American Memory competition. Many hours were spent in developing full-cataloging records for each image. Minaret worked beautifully and the transfer of data to LC went without a hitch. The site, called The Northern Great Plains, 1880-1920, came up on American Memory late last April [1998], the first of the awardees to be done."
Vermont Historical Society
Manuscript Collection

If you have used Minaret to create records that are now displayed on the Internet, drop us a line and we'll be happy to add you to this list.

MARC Documentation
The Library of Congress maintains on-line documentation and background information on MARC.  They also have a very useful pair of free software utility programs called "MARC Maker" and "MARC Breaker".  MARC Maker converts plain text files (like those you can create in a word processor) into a MARC file that can be read into Minaret.  MARC Breaker does just the opposite.  The text files have to be formatted in a particular manner for the Maker program to work.  Documentation and sample files can also be found at the MARC Maker/Breaker web site.
Library of Congress MARC Standards
MARC Documentation
MARC Maker and MARC Breaker Software

Business Services

Clarity USA

Merchant Advance Funding

Advantage Processors

Axis ATM Placement

The following archive and museum organizations have a presence on the Internet:

American Association of Museums

Museum Computer Network

New England Archivists

OCLC (Online Computer Library Center)

RLG (Research Libraries Group -- maintainers of RLIN)

Society of American Archivists


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